Reading the News

Reading the News

I read the news today. Oh boy!…
I  am a creature of habit, a trait I share with most if not all humans and probably most animals as well. Some habits are O K, like eating, breathing, sleeping…Some habits are less beneficial, and some are harmful or even dangerous. Some I wish I could remove from my life, but others I’m prepared to tolerate if I can keep them reasonably moderated.
But one habit becomes more irksome every day, and it’s something I find myself doing many times in the course of a day: I read the news! I google it every few hours, it seems, and even though I should know that only bad or disturbing news will trend and good news is hard to find, I still hafta see it!
Now I’m not going to say his name, even his number (5X9=?) because the bots will find it and feed his ever-growing narcism. But you all know who I mean. Some of you love him, more of you hate him, many of you fear him, and I don’t blame you, whatever of these categories you fall into. But I am trying my damnedest to not have an opinion at all. It’s not easy, but I think it can be done. Because, really, what do we really know about him that we can know is absolutely factual? He is a reality TV star who among other things appeared several times on WWE, the wrestling franchise loved by hundreds of millions of people. And yes, some of those people believe what they see there. A reality TV star. Repeat it a few times to yourself: A reality TV star…
Now, if we thought about how the algorithms work in a search engine, we should know that that search engine wants to find out what your worldview is, and then it chooses for you the news that will satisfy it. I’m disappointed in myself that I’ve fallen into the trap, and I’m working on it. But maybe the solution is that I must replace my addiction with another one. Maybe I should google recipes instead of news/google…..HELP!!!!!

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Reading the News